During March 2022 Dr. Evita Kalogiropoulou (PI) travelled twice in northern Greece, to complete a scale of research at the premised of the Ephorate of Antiquities in Kozani. The seventh research campaign of the project aimed at the sampling of selected combustion features from the Neolithic site Kleitos 1. Samples were systematically collected from distinguished targets, combining strategies and protocols from two methods, such as from geoarchaeological applications and organic residue analysis. Both methods have contributed significantly at the development of the project. Initial sampling was supported by the valuable help of the expert technician of the Ephorate Mr Dimitris Leontaridis. Successively, initial sample cores were transferred at the Malcom H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens for further targeted extraction of samples, which took place by the two experts of the BONDS project in geoarchaeology and organic residue, PhD candidate Dimitris Roussos and Dr. Maria Roumpou respectively. Impregnation and cutting of the geoarchaeological slabs were processed at the M.H. Wiener Laboratory by Dimitris Roussos. Sample processing of the assemblage of the organic geochemistry samples took place at the Laboratory of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry of Foods at the Harokopio University of Athens by Dr. Maria Roumpou.