Maria Roumpou is an archaeologist specialised in the use of archaeometry and other scientific methods, such as residue analysis, for the study of archaeological material remains. She holds a PhD in Scientific Methods in Archaeology from the University of Bradford. Her research interests include Aegean archaeology, application of scientific methods in archaeology, archaeological chemistry and molecular analysis in archaeological material. She has participated in a range of projects studying archaeological ceramics as a specialist in organic residue analysis (Mycenae, Thessaloniki Toumba, Drakaina Cave – Kephalonia, Akrotiri – Thera, Ayia Sotira – Nemea, Thebes, etc.), as well as a co-director of the Northern Greek Storage Project with Dr. Despina Margomenou. Maria has developed a durable collaboration as a Research Associate at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Harokopio University in Athens.
In BONDS Maria’s ambitious goal is the sampling, detection, and identification of organic residues from ceramic installations from the key sites integrated in the project. Furthermore, she will develop a sampling protocol for ceramic installations, and she will analyse the possible correlations with archaeological data produced within the scope of the research program.